Generate unique identities with the Simple AI Name Generator v5.0. Key Features include identity creation with first and last names, email addresses, usernames, passwords, and phone numbers. Enjoy customizable options as choosing from multiple email providers and selecting a country.
1. Key Features:
2. Comprehensive Identity
Creation Generate complete identities including:
- First and last names
- Email addresses
- Usernames
- Passwords
- Phone numbers
3. Customizable Options
- Choose from multiple email providers
- Select country codes for phone numbers
- Generate single or bulk identities
4. User-Friendly Interface
The intuitive layout makes it easy to generate and copy information with just a 1 click.
5. Export Functionality
Save generated data to a text file for easy access and use in create Gmail and other website.
How to Use the Tool
1. Login Enter the provided username and password to access the main interface.
2. Configure Settings
- Select your desired email provider
- Choose the country for phone number generation
- Set the number of identities to generate (for bulk creation)
3. Generate Identities
Click the “Generate” button to create unique identities based on your settings.
4. Copy or Export Data
- Use the copy buttons to quickly copy individual pieces of information
- Click “Create TXT” to save all generated data to a text file
5. Additional Features
- Toggle “Show Copy BTN” to display or hide quick copy buttons
- Enable “Stay on Top” to keep the application visible while working in other windows